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When we create spaces where every kid belongs, we give every kid the opportunity to become an adult who gives back

But I know, as a former teacher, that it can be hard to create places of belonging in our schools.

- Educators already have a lot on their plates

- Resources are thin

- There’s always pressure to be doing more

- And there are always setbacks when you do try to do more


Let’s talk about it.

Because educators and administrators need support.

And kids need & deserve belonging.


I’m Abby Burle—

Mom of three, and Founder of Love Your Story and Belonging Co. 

Raising and traveling across the country for medical care for my kiddos has taught me so much about what it’s like to be impacted by barriers to belonging (you can read our story here.)

I share my family’s story because I want other families — and other kiddos with disabilities — to find belonging in our communities and in our workplaces, and I know we’ve got a long way to go.

I will never claim to be an “expert” on belonging or on disability. I learn every day from my family’s experiences, from media, and from other disability rights advocates. 

These are some of the things I can speak about:


Belonging in Education

We know every kid belongs. But are our classrooms set up to reflect that? Are kids with disabilities having the chance — every single day — to meaningfully interact with their peers, and vice versa? Are we giving kids in our classrooms the opportunity to see each other as fully human?

It’s powerful, as educators, to create spaces of belonging in our classrooms, and we should be doing it every chance we get. When we create those spaces, we give all of our students lifelong skills in communication, adaptability, willingness to learn from people with differences, and the ability to fully see others. And when our students have those skills? They can invest those skills back into our communities.

Inclusion is a Mindset

As educators, we have students sitting around our tables. This is where they learn, interact with one another, and grow. What are we doing to set up those tables — and our students — for success? Are we physically serving every single student in our classrooms? 

It isn’t about needing to have everything figured out already. In this talk, we’ll dive into what we each can do to set the table for belonging. We’ll talk about being t

Disability Representation

Most of us know there are barriers, in our communities, to belonging — especially for people with disabilities. But what is a barrier? And what is the difference between inclusion and belonging? How can we break down those barriers and bring representation into our home or work? 

This talk goes beyond theoreticals. We’ll dive into specific examples of segregation, inclusion, and belonging at school. And we’ll talk about how to create spaces of belonging in a tangible way.


Creating spaces of belonging at school doesn’t have to mean doing more (especially for busy teachers). 

We can start by looking at what we’re already doing, and finding ways to make our typical routines more accessible & equitable.

Let’s talk about it.

To bring me to your conference or school, fill out this contact form. I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.